Who we are

Caledonian Sweeps offers professional chimney cleaning services to make your home or workplace efficient and safe. From sweeping all kinds of fireplaces to bird nest removal to camera inspections, we have the expertise to deal with every fireplace challenge.

Let our staff customise a sweeping programme to suit your individual needs and forget about having to remember to book a sweep every year. Whether you require a regular service (6 monthly or annually) or just a one-off service, you can count on Caledonian Sweeps for a reliable service at excellent rates.

In addition, Caledonian Sweeps believes that the chimneys we sweep really matter. We aim to get to rural communities that struggle to get regular sweeps on their chimneys the maintenance and advice they need. This provides your homes with a fireplace with less health risks to those who live there as well as less risks to the building itself.

Our Guarantee

Our professional sweeps know how to satisfy our customers’ highest expectations. To guarantee the highest level of services, we’re diligent in entering and keeping homes tidy, ensuring amble dust sheeting to prevent excessive soot and cleaning the stove thoroughly so it looks as good as new.

We constantly monitor our work, and should any area fail to meet our strict sweeping standards it will be corrected immediately. And of course, we always encourage customer communication and value your input to perfect our quality of service.

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